Things Have Changed

How Companies Can Supercharge Their Brand Visibility with Sneha Saigal's Geeks&Experts

Jed Philippe Tabernero Season 22 Episode 4

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The Power of PR: Navigating Today’s Media Landscape with Sneha Saigal

In our hyper-connected world, the stakes for corporate reputation are incredibly high. Remember Cristiano Ronaldo's simple gesture that caused a $5 billion drop in Coca-Cola's market value? Or the backlash against Pepsi's Kendall Jenner ad? These moments remind us how quickly public sentiment can shift.

Today on the "Things Have Changed Podcast," we welcome Sneha Saigal, founder and CEO of Geeks&Experts, who has pioneered PR solutions that empower startups to turn crisis into opportunity. Her innovative approach helps startups navigate these volatile waters by providing scalable PR expertise, crucial for maintaining a positive public image.

Join us as Sneha shares her invaluable insights into the vital role of PR in shaping public perception and brand integrity. We'll explore how effective PR strategies can help startups not just manage crises but also build enduring relationships and a robust corporate identity. Stay tuned as Sneha reveals the transformative potential of PR in the digital age and how it can make or break a company's reputation overnight.

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Things Have Changed

Jed Tabernero:

In our hyper-connected world, the impact of a single social media post can ripple across the globe in seconds.

Aussie hosts bizarre reaction to Ronaldo’s Coca-Cola stunt _ Today Show Australia:

Cristiano Ronaldo decided he didn't want to promote the tournament sponsor Coca Cola during a press conference. That single act has now wiped a whopping 5. 2 billion dollars from Coke's stock market value. Astonishing.

Jed Tabernero:

A misplaced suite or a misunderstood advertisement can escalate into a full-blown crisis before the day's even over. Remember the backlash against Pepsi's ad with Kendall Jenner. Or how a mere shift of a Coca-Cola bottle by Cristiano Ronaldo cost the company's market value to tumble. These moments are powerful reminders of how public perception can shift dramatically and instantaneously.

Pepsi, Kendall Jenner protest ad called 'tone deaf':

That new Pepsi ad that is sparking a lot of outrage out there. Critics are calling it tone deaf many are calling the ad tasteless, saying it takes advantage of serious issues and movements to sell soda.

Jed Tabernero:

Today on things have changed podcast. We welcome a pioneer in the field of PR Sneha Saigal as the founder and CEO of geeks and experts Sneha is crafting cutting edge PR solutions that empower startups to turn potential pitfalls into monumental opportunities for growth and trust building. Join us a snack shares her insights on reshaping PR strategies to thrive in the digital age. Ensuring that startups not only survive. But Excel in crafting their public personas.

This is things have changed podcast.

Shikher Bhandary:

In today's world, with the media landscape, things move so quick. A CEO could tweet something on Thursday morning, and his business, his company could be under fire on Friday or Thursday night, or even Thursday afternoon, like things move so quickly. So the role of PR and public relations has never been more critical in this always on world. I'm thinking through actual company examples like massive behemoths that have had issues. We've had Pepsi with that whole Kendall Jedner ad, Southwest Airlines and it's whole Christmas debacle, Cristiano Ronaldo and Coca Cola. Yeah, so the list is long of people just not being able to do PR right. So today on Things Have Changed podcast, we are delighted to host Sneha Sehgal someone who aims to reshape the PR industry. And so PR is fundamentally about managing those perceptions and building trust, right? And that can make or break a company's reputation overnight. Sneha, it's great to have you on. As a CEO and founder of Geeks and Experts, she's built a platform that enables companies to access PR A lot better.

Sneha Saigal:

Thank you so much Jed and Shikher. It's so lovely to be here and I love the context that you gave to PR. I think there's an interesting way to look at it. When you talk about PR, a lot of people focus on all these failures that stood out. But I think over time it's important to realize the opportunities that have come with how fragmented the media landscape has become. So I'm excited to dive into this and, demystify a lot behind the scenes and then also pick on some of those case studies that you mentioned.

Shikher Bhandary:

Yeah. I actually wanted to mention this one thing. Jed and I were sending memes of Mark Zuckerberg because suddenly Zuck seems like a cool dude. He's trying to be fit. He's got a chain around his black t shirt. He seems more approachable and that's such a huge shift. From a year and a half, two years ago, where he was in front of Congress and he seemed nervous, scared. There were memes of that image of him being a robot. You're talking about one of the biggest CEOs in the world and having to face something like this. It definitely feels like there's a fundamental gap where folks were not too keen or didn't even realize how important this is. So why do companies need PR and public relations?

Sneha Saigal:

I'll start with an anecdote or an example of exactly defining sometimes what is the difference between marketing and PR, right? I think a lot of people tend to confuse or think they're one in the same thing. So marketing is Shikhar telling Jed, Hey, I'm an amazing cook. I make this amazing steak and you just have to try it. PR is three or four people going to Jed and say, you know what? Shikher makes amazing steak. You've got to try his steak. It's in a, literally in a nutshell, and this can apply, let's say in a job interview, why do you give us reference letters? Why do you have a LinkedIn presence? The same thing applies when you go on a date and you're trying to impress somebody and saying how fabulous you are until they hear it from somebody else. That is the PR component. And I'm giving this in different contexts. So people realize, That one is you're a brag, you're bragging about yourself. But the other one is somebody is recommending you. Somebody is giving you that added layer of credibility of trust, especially since you pointed out how much access people have to that voice and opinion today. Nobody takes that for granted. And more than anything else, businesses are so cognizant of the fact that. Everybody with access to internet has a voice. They have an opinion, and especially if they have that reach and that audience, which mind you, I think every person now is thinking about how much their reach is, how much their opinion matters. They are all subject matter experts in some domain or the other, which is what gives them the power to actually comment on how a business is run. What is the work ethics or what is the culture? What is their mission? And that is a part of PR, which is now getting so powerful over the years, as you can see, like you said, one meme, one tweet, and I think we know which kind of CEOs we're talking about, but it is literally something that can make or break, how people are perceiving a stock or a company

Jed Tabernero:

As you were talking about, companies having a voice I want to think of like really concrete examples of how. Maybe a startup for our audience, right? Would think about the role of PR for them. So one example I can think about is maybe a product launch, right? There's a lot of PR maybe that goes into a product launch where leaders have to talk about it. Leaders can have to, think through these situations, how it's going to turn out, who they reach out to, et cetera. Can you give us like some examples of how a startup might think about why they need PR themselves?

Sneha Saigal:

Absolutely. And I'll give this in different context. So as a startup, of course you are bringing something new into the world. There's no credibility or trust established with your existing audience, unless maybe you've got previous companies under your belt. Maybe you've raised investor money before, but if this is your first time building something from ground zero, you need to start with building out that trust. Trust with your audience, with your investors, with the media to show that you are credible. And by this, I mean there are different layers and levels to it, right? And that's where it gets interesting because for startups, a lot of times it's this mystique or very far fetched landscape of media and PR and public relations because they think you need to maybe go to a big agency, sign an annual contract and spend 20, 000 per month. But PR starts in house from the day you start your business with your personal brand. And that's why I'm a strong advocate for founders in the early stages to not complicate it, to not spend, those 100, 000 going after a big PR company. You can do so much of it in house in managing how you appear as a founder. What are your Early employees talking about the culture at your startup. What are some of your lead investors or angel investors? How did you go about finding them? What is their ethos? What is their value? What do they bring to the world that makes your company resonate with, their investment pieces? There are so many things you can pick on early on even as a founder yourself, maybe. There's a mission behind why you started your company. It's important more and more to talk about that today. And with access to platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, so many people are using that to just leverage and speak more about the why, behind their company. And that is super meaningful because it makes you relatable. It makes you approachable. There are different audiences you're talking to. And at every stage, that's the fun part about, being in PR for startups, because it's so dynamic. Three months. Your visibility is, I want to go for a fundraise. I want to raise my series eight. The next three months, you're putting in that money to launch a new feature of your product. That is when you're now changing the narrative. You're changing the pitch or your angle to your journalists. And now talking, changing that direction towards your new feature. Another three months, you're probably talking about how you have. Done something better than a competitor, but not slashing them out, but just bringing your differentiator into the limelight. So at every point, your PR needs are evolving, and this has to be done keeping in mind what's going on in the world, right? That is the most important part. For me, the PR, component is so much based on relevance because that is something that you just cannot take away. You can be doing the best thing in the world. Your startup can be meeting all the line, all the key milestones that you have. But if there's something else going on in the world, it comes across stone dead if you are not taking that into account. So all of these parts about being a founder, talking about your startup are it's all, pieces of a puzzle that need to make sense together.

Jed Tabernero:

It's so important to control, or at least influence, that narrative. Everything you were talking about was like telling a story. Okay. Introducing a new product. The next three months you got to think about X, Y, Z. what are the challenges that you see with people who come to you, companies who come to you and say, look, I haven't been focused on PR for so long. What are those common problems or challenges that you see for those companies that haven't done this before?

Sneha Saigal:

I love that question because that's the problem we want to solve is to make it accessible for a lot of the early stage companies, from C to series A, B, C. And there are a lot of different components here. So one. Sometimes, clients don't know what they want out of PR. They just know they want to do it, but they don't know why, or they don't know what success or outcomes look like. So it sometimes involves educating them as to why do they want to do this? Because there isn't a one size fits all just saying that I want to be on the front cover of a fortune or business insider is not enough. You need to understand where your target audience is. So for example, I, since you bought up SAS and, me to be, those kind of niche products. What? Where is your audience actually reading about you? For example, one of our clients was in the cyber security cloud compliance space, and that is a very specific space to be in. So where is your audience actually finding information about services like that? Are there niche publications that speak specifically to, those industries? Because then getting into top tier outlets should not be your You should be focusing on those audiences that actually, where you are talking about these topics. So that is one is just understanding your why and what a success look like. So define it clearly. It's, is it just because you think you should be doing it or because there's a certain goal in mind? The second component is budgets, right? Like I mentioned earlier, Throwing money directly to get paid advertising or paid media placements is not going to move the needle for you. And here's where the components of owned media and earned media come in. So owned media is, of course, the blogs that you put on your website, the kind of thought leadership articles that you have. Maybe you have a podcast that you run that is owned by you. Earned media is when you're not paying a journalist, you're not paying to appear in a sponsored post by Business Insider or Forbes. The journalist has found something relevant about. Your audience about your company and that's why they're writing about you. So these are components that founders often, mistake and they think, I don't want to spend 5, 000 to appear on the front page. You should not be spending 5, 000 to appear on the front page. So those are parts. And so a lot of the challenges involve educating them, understanding what do they want to get out of this PR run. Even understanding your pitch angles, at every stage, Last few months, we've seen in the tech industry, a lot of layoffs happening. We're seeing a lot of budget cuts happening. So how do you make your company sound relevant? If you are servicing clients that help reduce churn, that's a good way to pitch your product saying that we help reduce churn for companies, which means we bring in more money for companies. So in terms of layoffs, that is where companies want to be focusing on. What is actually. Adding value to their bottom line and not adding value to their bottom line. Maybe a few months down the line when the industry is picking up again, your pitch angle changes to now talking about how you have understood how to help companies reduce turn. So you yourself are a good business for investors to look at. So at every moment you're pulling different. Relevant angles and changing that narrative,

Shikher Bhandary:

Sneha, so how does your platform play into the space? Because we definitely know that there is a gap here. What are you aiming to, to provide to startups, to companies and what went into the thought process of actually building it out?

Sneha Saigal:

right? So this goes back to my own journey starting out, you know in marketing and PR and it's always been with early stage companies I love being at that scrappy, you know founding team level where you're literally budgets are, Scrappy you have to make the most of whatever resources you have and what I noticed in terms of PR was a lot of Startups felt like they need to just straight away hire, somebody full time, or they need to go after those big agencies and pay annual contracts. And I felt like there was a gap in there for something that's a little more agile. That's a, especially after COVID, with so many fractional talent platforms coming into place. And the way I like to describe our platform is we are the slow fashion or the sustainable version of the gig economy. So you have the fast fashion where you need a logo designed, you go on these marketplaces, you pay 50 bucks, you have a logo over the weekend. PR is not like that. You can't pay 50 bucks and, see a result next week. So that is why we come in where we plug in specialists into your team for the duration that you are looking at. So maybe your needs are just next three months, or maybe you have done, a good amount of fundraising and you have that visibility to spend on the next six months. So we have an in house specialist, and then we have a whole vetted collective of PR experts across all those industries, because this is where PR gets a bit nuanced. Every person who's working PR has a domain vertical that they specialize in. And if you want to tap into the audiences that are in a specific industry, those are the specialists you need to go after. So if you're in the beauty space, if you're in the FinTech space, you want to establish media relations with people who are experienced in those domains. So they have finessed. media relations. They know exactly the kind of content that journalists like reading and, writing about. So that is exactly where we come in is to make sure that value alignment is there. And the last part that I love to highlight is why does this specific audience mean so much to me is because, as a founder myself, as an immigrant, as a woman of color, like I honestly feel that there's so many voices out there in the startup landscape that don't get the visibility that they deserve. Just bringing out more stories from minority founders, from founders who are doing truly groundbreaking work, but just because they don't have the budget to pay a big agency, should their voice not be heard. So this is where we want to make sure that it's more accessible. So as opposed to signing 20, 000 monthly contracts, we would come in at 1, 500 or 3, 000 kind of working with what, what makes sense for you.

Shikher Bhandary:

Is it. A marketplace where you're linking folks who are already experienced with those verticals. So like you said, FinTech, fashion and so on with the companies. That's how

Sneha Saigal:

Exactly. That's the straight up, distilled version of it. It is, Specialists across industries and across expertise as well, because you have, PR specialists who have been with an agency for very long, but now want to start out on their own independent practice. So they'll come with some experience, but not maybe doing this throughout on their own. And then you'll have the seasoned PR specialists who have been in this industry as an independent consultant for decades. So they'll come with that much more seniority. So it's just giving, the startups, the option to choose, Where they'd like to start with.

Jed Tabernero:

What exactly is fractional PR as it looks like on your platform? And what's the alternative, what do people tend to do?

Sneha Saigal:

Yes, that's a great question. And I love explaining fractional as just taking the word fraction. So a specialist will be working on multiple projects and a fraction of their time goes towards one particular company. And this is different from, let's say a contractor. So a contractor is somebody who comes on board for your company and they're there with you for this particular duration. They have these deliverables, these outcomes at the end of that. This is more focused on the time spent, the input, and the process, more than giving a deliverable at the end of it. So it's a continued engagement, and think of it like, basically somebody plugging into your team, working with other people. The marketing team working with the founder to basically get in your streamline your process and, getting your pitch ready, getting your press release ready, depending on where you are in that journey right now. So that fractional component is basically they could be working on three other companies at the same time.

Jed Tabernero:

And is that with companies with an existing PR department, or is it typically like a company that has been doing PR by themselves and it's Hey, listen, I need a specialist for this specific piece because we don't have that experience. Both

Sneha Saigal:

Actually it's a combination and it's interesting to see with what's happening in the industry right now, because a lot of companies that are at that growth stage and they have budgets to get a PR specialist on board, they would be probably doing this for the first time. So maybe they've done some amount of PR on their own and now they're ready to amp it up for whatever goals they have in mind. The other thing that we're noticing is. A lot of growth stage companies actually that went with big agencies are now wanting to cut budgets slightly. And so for them, they're like, Hey, I don't need eight or 10 people from this PR company out of which just one or two people are engaged and actually doing the work I'd rather cut that and go with, a fractional PR person who can just take the workload and be more hands on. So it's a little bit of both, which is very interesting for me to see as well right now.

Jed Tabernero:

That's super cool that they're coming from both ends of the spectrum where you have companies who don't have a ton of experience with PR coming to you, but you also have companies who have experienced big PR firms and who want to make it more lean, right? So that's a really interesting piece of it.

Sneha Saigal:

I'd love to share actually a case study about this more of an agency. So they're an advertising agency. And this is interesting as well, because you would think that advertising agencies have the wherewithal and all the tools to do PR for themselves. But often they end up doing a lot of that work for clients, but forget to toot their own horn. So we've had, client who's come in and said, I have these amazing. Case studies and testimonials from my clients, but I'm not sure how to establish myself as a thought leader So what we did for them was basically make sure that we tell their stories the right way We bring them out as an expert in the advertising space and one you know win that I love to share is in the super bowl We were you know, there was so much buzz about how super bowl commercials are so Big and the whole advertising industry focuses on that. So we were able to get in, a bite and a recommendation from this business owner, this agency business owner, who was talking about how Super Bowl commercials have evolved so much in the last decade or so. So it was basically taking his experience, his expertise with the All of this stuff he's done with his clients and then bringing him out as a top leader at that particular time. So it wasn't, they had all the tools in place, but they just didn't know how do I get this out there to make it a meaningful case study or, give him that recognition. So now we're putting him up for awards. We're putting him in, like ad week. We're putting him in those. Places where basically again, he's not saying I want to be, unfortunate or business insider. We're going after very focused ad age those kinds of outlets where people are focusing on finding those smaller agencies that can do meaningful work for them.

Jed Tabernero:

That's interesting. So I was telling you before we got on the call that we read some of your blogs on medium, really awesome content, by the way, for us in this community, one of the blogs was about acquiring. Your first 100 early adopters, how is that experience of gathering the first 100 early adopters?

Sneha Saigal:

It is very humbling to say the least, you go out there thinking I, why is anyone going to say no to me? This has got to make sense. And a lot of humbling experiences there because you realize that just because Something makes sense to you. It does not mean that it's a priority for somebody else, or that it makes sense for them right now or they have the budget or they understand, what you're actually solving for. I definitely say that there was a lot to learn in terms of following the noise and actually hanging out where your customers are. The piece that you're actually talking about was, So relevant because a lot of times misunderstand where your actual audiences and your decision makers could be somebody, but your users are somebody else. So in our case for in PR, of course it could be the founder that actually takes the final call, whether they want to spend or this or not, but who's going to actually be using our services, it would be the head of marketing, it would be somebody who's in the comms role. So you have to understand who's your audience and where can you actually find them. So for me, it involved hanging out in a lot of Facebook groups, hanging out in a lot of Slack groups where a lot of these founders are, being a part of some of these networks founder communities having conversations and just listening to them and seeing what are they struggling with. Because for some founders, it was, Oh, I don't know how to write a press release. I don't know how to use some of these social, monitoring tools. And that's where I picked up the noise. And I said, maybe a lot of founders actually don't even know where to start. So that's where I started using medium to talk more about. How do you start PR in a DIY style? And then when you're ready, maybe you can amp it up a bit. So to your point it was a lot about following the noise and, just keeping your eyes and ears open to where you think your audience hangs out.

Shikher Bhandary:

Gotcha. And. I'm assuming this is what you're trying to build while connecting the experts with the companies, founders and startups, how are you baking in the requirements, the criteria for, You to have certain individuals on the platform. Are you yourself going through their, previous history and being like, okay, this would be, this person would be a great fit for our, fashion vertical or so on. Like how does that process look like for you?

Sneha Saigal:

Yeah, that is a very interesting way that we are going it out as completely by word of mouth by referrals through the network itself. So we have. Like I mentioned better PR specialists who have worked in those industries. And then from there we've picked a handful who are more like, give analysts ratings to a stock that way they give like ratings to, who are the PR specialists? So making it in a very very quality driven approach. And the reason I say that is because we've had to turn down a lot of PR specialists who have approached us saying, we would love to be on the platform. But at this stage, what matters more to me is making sure the quality is maintained because These processes are way more long term. The relationships that I will establish with the clients today are going to continue evolving as we go down, because maybe today they're using our platform for three months and then they pause. And that's where the subscription model comes in. And then maybe in a year's time when they have done a fund, fundraise, they're ready to come back and amp it up a bit more. In PR, the quality has to be extremely important. And Especially because value alignment is a big reason that fractional teams fall apart because you're not, as Integrated into the teams you're not going every day, face to face meeting your team sitting in the same office So those kind of gaps can easily come through if your values are not aligned So the way we are maintaining that is doing Multiple onboarding calls to make sure that the team is integrated. The client is satisfied, comfortable with the specialist and also the goals are aligned because, like you pointed out, it's what a success look like. Do they know what they want out of this engagement? Do they understand what a PR, a PR person is not a magician. He's not going to be able to, just get you on those front page outlets. So just being very. Honest with them and clear about those goals.

Shikher Bhandary:

Yeah. And there's so much nuance in this industry that you can't just take one model or template and just apply it for every vertical or every industry shipping company is not going to care what a SAS company needs from a outreach and PR point of view. Yeah.

Sneha Saigal:

I was waiting to get to the part where AI is going to take over, everything and even pitching and media. And that is a great example of that. So if you, of course there are things that AI is capable of doing, even in the PR landscape. So I would say. Getting those social monitoring tools is an AI capability that you can utilize. There's also finding those targeted media outlets, those journalists who would be a good fit for you just in understanding what people are saying about your company in the, social media landscape. But where AI can't come is that context that you gave, that shipping versus B2B SaaS is very different. AI is not going to be able to understand context or, Sarcasm or emotions things like that is not something that I would be able to take. I think that's another thing that people often mistake is, oh, I can just get somebody to write that pitch. I can get chat to be able to write this pitch tailored to my audience and my darn list. There are so many things that will be missed out over there because at the day, it is relationship building more than anything else.

Jed Tabernero:

Yet. That's a key word. No, this topic has come up a lot when I was reading through a lot of your material, and one of the things that you point out is hate. Don't use chat TPT to write all your shit basically. That's, it's such a simple thing to say because it's so easy these days and it's not like it's really dumb what comes out of it. It's acceptable to some degree. So people think all of a sudden, Oh my, like I can get away from doing all this stuff by using chat TPT. I think one of the themes that I read through your work is to say, look, the human element of this is so important. At the end of the day, it's about these relationships and it's a theme of as well of this call you talking about how do you get out there, as a founder? It's a lot of networking. It's a lot of me coming to the places where we met, for example looking at things that we might both care about and connecting about something else. That's something. That's not yet possible in the realm of AI, but it's just so interesting to see that to be able to, let's say do a press release or a product launch or stuff like that. A lot of what you need as well is crafting the story, right? And I think the biggest misdirection people are getting these days is exactly this topic of there's so many tools out there. There's a lot of LLMs out there. Why don't you use that to go generate this? And yet. It's not as effective as we'd like it to be. Again, I caveat with, yes, I don't know where this stuff is going in the future, but it's really interesting that you mentioned those two aspects because that human key element of things that you talk about a lot, I think it's so important for me as well, right? Like I can only give you a nice recommendation if I've met you, if I've, done all these things to connect with you and all of that stuff. So I think it's super important.

Sneha Saigal:

I love that. And I think the key part there is just the relationship building aspect of it. Like a lot of people tend to forget that journalists are humans and they get bombarded with so many pitches. They have so many different stories they need to cover. They all have deadlines. So what can you do to be a resource for them and actually help them as opposed to making it about you? So here's what a lot of that, interdependence of give first, don't make it about a transaction, make it a relationship. And I'll give it Example about just, the stuff that's going on in the media as well. So for a lot of journalists the changes in the layoffs that happened in those different news outlets as well. That is something that's so deeply personal that if you sent out pitches to them without even taking into account that jobs are at stake You're never going to hear back from that journalist. So sorry, those are just small things that you don't tend to pay attention to. And like you said, just being authentic and actually bringing out your vulnerabilities and showing that you care as a person is such a big aspect of it that AI will not be able to replicate or take over. Like you said, there's a lot behind the scenes that goes on. So yes, you can use. I'm not saying you can't use it. We use Tragic ity and in many different ways to think out of the box, to get some ideas. But how can you make it useful and more relevant to yourself? And I'll give an example since you've mentioned, the content that I write a lot. I definitely use chat to be able to turn that content into other pieces of content. So it's repurposing in one of the best ways because it's my voice. It's my authentic piece of content, but I can now use that across channels. So I won't say that there, there is no smart way to use it. It's just, you have to be thoughtful at the end of the day. And you don't want to sound creepy. That, if that message comes across as something out of this world, like otherworldly, like it's just going to throw somebody off.

Shikher Bhandary:

it's like a perfect sentence. And I'm like, this is too perfect. I know this is not the way you're thinking. And in the future, there's a lot more authenticity to it. The next wave is just adding your voice. So the AI is personalized to you. So I know that's a big theme that we might see. But still, even in spite of all that, you really need to be doing this in a more nuanced way, in a more personal way. So Sneha, it was great having you on. I think one thing that we like to do towards the end of our calls and conversations are give the founder, the expert, the stage, set the stage for you to give a shout out to your team, what your next product release or, funding round or so on.

Sneha Saigal:

Awesome. Thank you so much, firstly, for having me. And I. Definitely would love to connect with anyone in the audience. Who's looking at starting out their journey, whether you want to start out as a PR expert yourself, or you are looking at some PR support to talk about your brand story. And we work with so many different clients from solopreneurs to established founders who have raised their series, ABC, that we can. Custom build that, what you're looking for. And I love that you mentioned venture funds because that's another one of our audiences is partnering with them as an extension to their portfolio of companies, because again, you have venture funds were investing in sector agnostic companies. When they set out to do PR, they can't go get 10 different PR agencies to do PR for each of their founders. So we plug in an expert who can do that early stage PR support for them. More than happy to chat and offer any resources or support in terms of doing PR on your own early on as well.

Jed Tabernero:

Awesome. Yeah. Thanks for coming on the show. I know we didn't have the chance to cover everything we wanted to. And I think that means we need to chat again at some point. Yeah.

And that wraps it up with A cycle. Thanks for tuning into today's insightful conversation with CEO and founder of kicks and experts. Remember. The right PR strategy can transform challenges into opportunities for growth. And connection. Join us next time on things have changed podcast for more discussions that shape our understanding of the ever evolving digital economy. As always. On things have changed podcast. Stay curious.

Jed Tabernero:

The information and opinions expressed in this episode are for informational purposes only. And are not intended as financial investment or professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the concept provided. Neither the podcast, nor is creators are responsible for any actions taken as a result of listening to this episode.

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